Email/Spam Protection

The defense your email needs

While the benefits of email for your business are undeniable, without sufficient and proper protection, your company’s system will always be susceptible to online attacks that can put all of your organization’s confidential information and operations at risk.

Viruses and malware, phishing, and spam are common pitfalls that threaten the efficiency and safety of your daily communications. But with more and more malicious programs on the rise every day, you’ll not only need to be fully prepared for yesterday, but also know how to face a completely new set of challenges today.

This is where Onsite Computing’s Email/Spam Protection comes in. We have your business fully covered with proactive monitoring and up-to-date security measures. With our service, your company’s email traffic will receive the multi-layer defense it needs, plus you’ll also be reducing your bandwidth consumption of spam. Ultimately, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your emails are working to benefit your business, rather than be the cause of its downfall.

Email/Spam Protection from Onsite Computing gives you:

  • Secured email - stop spam, viruses, worms, malware and other threats BEFORE they arrive in your inbox
  • Improved email access - preserve and access emails more easily with an online archive of all inbound and outbound filtered messages with attachments and flexible search features
  • Optimized business processes - ease your server requirements by offloading huge amounts of storage

Don’t solve the problem only when something bad has happened.
Get our best-in-class solutions to streamline your email communications and safeguard it from email-borne attacks.

Email is the primary avenue of attack for most cybercriminals, who use it to target individuals and businesses with phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and other cyberthreats. Learn how email security maintains the integrity of your emails, accounts, and data.GET A FREE COPY NOW!