Application & Database Development

Access and share critical data seamlessly and securely

In today’s competitive business world, your workforce, your partners’, and your business’ performance demand easy access to vital information from anywhere and anytime. To keep the information flowing without bottlenecks, Onsite Computing offers solutions that combine your database information with business process applications – delivering results that are available from any Web-enabled device.

Our expert team is experienced in designing, implementing, and maintaining high-performing robust databases for a wide variety of applications and clients. Using the latest technologies and best practices, we ensure your databases and web applications are highly functional and scalable for your company’s future needs.

We offer comprehensive Application and Database Development solutions for:

  • Data-driven websites – including Internet and intranet applications
  • Custom builds – intranets, extranets and customized dashboard reports
  • Custom business process solutions – incorporating sales automation, online order processing, fulfillment, product information management and online training
  • Workflow automation – integrating your IT systems to improve business processes
  • Industry-standard Microsoft tools – we feature Microsoft SQL server and use Microsoft Visual Studio.NET for application development

Need an integrated solution to make your data seamlessly available on your web-enabled devices? We’ll be happy to develop one to fit your needs.

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